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Leptis Magna, Libya
Lokale turister vandrer i den imponerende romerske ruinbyen Leptis Magna, Libya. Byen er kanskje det beste stedet i hele verden å studere strukturene av en flere tusen år gammel romersk storby.
  • Canon 350 D
  • Canon efs 17-85 mm
  • Brennvidde17mm
  • Blender-
  • Filmtypedigitalt
  • Nei
  • Exif Vis basisinfo - Vis all bildeinfo
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Kritikker (5)
Steinulf L.

Synes du skulle rette opp de vertikale linjene.
Geir Arne M.


Bærer noe preg at vignettering. Jeg ville gjerne beskåret noe i nedkant.

mvh geir
David O.

I would not bother with straightening the lines here as the subject actually benefits from leaning lines.
I would how ever adjust the levels onthe sky as it gives the picture a blown look.
There is no structure in the rocks either so these could benefit from a little work in shadows\highlights.
A big plus having two locals ( or local looking ) in the frame.
A picture not often seen outside of Libya and few westerners have had the chance to see it so would have liked more depth and structure in the picture as it does not do the arena true credit. Hope you post some more shots - I had no camera when I visited it so nice to see it again

Jan Gunnar F.

Thanks David.

I agree on the leaning lines, and do not see any point of straightening them up.

One of the, at least journalistic, points, is that this is a ruin site. Everything is a little bitt shaky and leaning here, after hundreds and even more than thousand of years time.

Leptis Magna is a magnificent site, which is mind blowing for most visitors - at least if you have a minimum of interest of Roman history.

Yes, the picture is blown and not technically perfect.

I will try to post more pictures from Libya later!
Edvin S.

Intressant bilde, og fin påminnelse om at romerne også var der med sine ''pøbelstreker''. Forøvrig er jeg enig med David ;-)

:: ~ Arne
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