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Musikere fra en svunnen tid
Fra åpningsparaden Stavanger 2008. Fremst i paraden tonet en rusten båt med disse musikerne på dekk. En meget spesiell stemning.
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Kritikker (2)
Stephane P.

Good lighting and composition. The musicians dont look like they are there, they look bord. The violin woman has got a funny eye, nobody looks at the camera... Ask your people to give eye contact, to look somewhat like they understand each others and that they are part of a group.
Stine J.

Thanks for your comment, Stephane. This is from a parade and the performers are on a ''rolling'' boat. The look on their faces are a bit melancoly, and I got the impression that their ''look'' was part of their interpetation of musicians of the past. :) They made a magical, almost ghostly atmosphere with their apperance and music.

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