Juryens kommentar: Et intim og poetisk fortelling om en generasjons utfordringer i et land i Europas utkant. Hvert bilde formidler en egen historie som viser at fotografen har oppnådd stor tillit hos menneskene hun har møtt.

1. plass Dokumentar utland
1. plass Dokumentar utland
Linda Bournane Engelberth, frilans/Klassekampen
Things come apart. For a young adult in Latvia today, life is an increasingly insecure reality, with job prospects harshly disproportionate with educational levels and economic expectations. It is common to find youths with university degrees working entry-level jobs at fast food restaurants (if they are lucky enough be among the 1/3rd of young adults in Latvia who manage to find employment at all). The working age and able-bodied population of Latvia is often choosing to leave the shrinking economies of their homeland in order to find employment and financial security in other countries. Over 13 percent of the population has left in the past decade, mostly between the ages of 20 and 30. Friendships and relationships are easily fragmented by the increase in emigration, and alcohol and drug problems are on the rise. However, despite the struggles facing this generation, there remains a deep connection to the national identity, especially to the rich and fertile nature of the countryside, and a drive to create a better future from the relationships and resources they are left to work with. The Baltic republics, (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) hailed as economic powerhouses after they broke away from the Soviet Union in 1991, have been economically shrinking since the 2008 global financial crisis. Latvia, along with the rest of the former Eastern bloc, adopted neoliberal economic policies from the IMF and World Bank, where local elites made a fortune as their countries were integrated into the capitalist market. Latvia is currently under a great degree of social stress, but there is one way that the young population has avoided the economic crisis in their own country – by moving abroad. The constant transience of this young generation results in a sense of rootlessness in the ones who remain. Alina (17) is left with elementary school and have neither plans or opportunity to leave the country. While many of her friends have become drug addicts, she is still hoping for a job.

1. plass Dokumentar utland
1. plass Dokumentar utland
Linda Bournane Engelberth, frilans/Klassekampen
Young Latvians maintain an extremely tight bond with their natural surrounds, and figure prominently in their everyday lifestyles.

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Linda Bournane Engelberth, frilans/Klassekampen
Without regular employment to keep the young demographic occupied, many turn to alcohol as a way to pass the time, creating further social problems that exacerbate the underlying issue.

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1. plass Dokumentar utland
Linda Bournane Engelberth, frilans/Klassekampen
Despite having completed a bachelors degree in art, and computer design, Jelena has been unable to secure work in the two years since. Unwilling to succumb to the idea of returning to a menial job like the one she had at McDonald's, her future remains unclear

1. plass Dokumentar utland
1. plass Dokumentar utland
Linda Bournane Engelberth, frilans/Klassekampen
A rising number of the population transitioning into adulthood are looking west for work and a life capable of sustaining their dreams, draining the country of an entire generation.

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1. plass Dokumentar utland
Linda Bournane Engelberth, frilans/Klassekampen
National sports like Greco Roman wrestling acts as both a distraction and a sanctuary for the youth, although the exodus across the borders and out of Latvia results in an escalating battle to keep these sort of centers running.

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1. plass Dokumentar utland
Linda Bournane Engelberth, frilans/Klassekampen
In Daugavpils, Alexander (25) and his girlfriend have adopted an addiction to drugs.

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Linda Bournane Engelberth, frilans/Klassekampen
Particularly in rural towns, where the hours of the day are long in lieu of no worthwhile substitute for their time, drug use has become increasingly prevalent.

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1. plass Dokumentar utland
Linda Bournane Engelberth, frilans/Klassekampen
With so little to grab a hold of, close relationships between both family's and lovers remain at the core of Latvian culture, although these bonds are becoming ever more fragile with the worsening social conditions enveloping the country.

2. plass Dokumentar utland
2. plass Dokumentar utland
Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Jim Everedige outside his new house. Outside the little town Richford, upstate New York, lies Michigan Hill - named so by the people who were on their way to Michigan, but decided to settle here. Over the hill runs a dusty road: Rockefeller Road, named so after the man who was born here in 1839: John D Rockefeller - who became the World's richest man. Perhaps no other person embodies the "American Dream" like John D Rockefeller. A self made billionaire who shaped America and influenced the whole world in his time. The people who live on the muddy road today, don't dream the same dreams. They most of all want to be left alone and care much more for hunting and cannabis than for founding oil companies and building empires. This body of work represents a span of six years since my first visit to Rockefeller Road in 2007.

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Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Dave "Tony Tiger" at home.

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Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Brad going hunting.

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Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Winter on Rockefeller Road.

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Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Ron is out to feed the rabbits.

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Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Michael at a party in Richford Town Hall

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Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Gina tending bar at The Three Bear Inn.

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Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Dave Everidge outside his house.

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Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Mandon and Katie

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2. plass Dokumentar utland
Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Spring on Rockefeller Road

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2. plass Dokumentar utland
Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Race at Thunder Mountain raceway.

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Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Fall on Michigan Hill

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Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Halloween, Richford Town Hall

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Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Anthony looking for a rabbit in his yard.

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Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Neal at his kitchen table.

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2. plass Dokumentar utland
Chris Maluszynski, Moment/Institute
Nikita riding her trike on Rockefeller Road.

3. plass Dokumentar utland
3. plass Dokumentar utland
Stein J. Bjørge, Aftenposten
Delt oppvekst. Rebekah Feeney, Chloe Feeney, og Clodagh Mc Curdy står på hendene langs muren som skiller katolsk fra protestansk side. Vi leker ikke med Protestantene - forteller de. Fremdeles er Belfasts kommende generasjoner delt med murer som omkranser de delte boligområdene. Vi er rivaler, fiender. De tror på paven, vi tror på Dronningen, sier barn som vokser opp med et hat overført fra foreldregenerasjonen. Byen holdt i 2013 G(8møtet i håp om et signal om samarbeid og forsonende tanker. Det hjelp lite.For hverdagen med arbeidsløshet og den oppvoksende generasjon hengende gatelangs er det normale.

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3. plass Dokumentar utland
Stein J. Bjørge, Aftenposten
Det er lite arbeid å oppdrive på begge sider av murene , men to gutter som ikke vil fortelle navnene sine har skaffet seg kantklippere og tilbyr gressklipping i hagene til folk på den katolske siden av byen.

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3. plass Dokumentar utland
Stein J. Bjørge, Aftenposten
Det går i stikkball og fotball mellom husene på nedre Shankill . Det er lite annet å ta seg til.

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3. plass Dokumentar utland
Stein J. Bjørge, Aftenposten
Rebekha Feeney, Cloe Feeney , Clodagh Mc Curdy og Banbha Mc Curdy henger sammen rundt gatene som grenser opp mot det protestantiske området Shankill. De vokser opp i en adskilt verden hvor grenser er satt av foreldregenerasjoner og forsoning er et ord som bare sies under festtaler.

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Stein J. Bjørge, Aftenposten
Det britiske flagget henger på nedre Shankill mens politiets overvoknings helikopter henger over bydelen.Fremdeles er overvåkningen stor og politiet patruljerende i gatene

3. plass Dokumentar utland
3. plass Dokumentar utland
Stein J. Bjørge, Aftenposten
Owen stopper opp når en voksen nabo roper til de. På tide å la være å kaste den første steinen.

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3. plass Dokumentar utland
Stein J. Bjørge, Aftenposten
Politiet er vanlig syn i gatene- Konstabel Chris- som kommer fra en annen del av landet har sin tjeneste i Belfasts gater. En prat med barna før han og kollegene drar videre med sine pansrede jeeper og våpen.

3. plass Dokumentar utland
3. plass Dokumentar utland
Stein J. Bjørge, Aftenposten
Katolske barn leker i gaten foran husene sine. Det er lite organiserte aktiviteteter i de mest slitte bydelene , men kirken tar vare på sine på begge sider av konflikten og prøver til stadighet å bygge bro på tvers av fysiske og historiske grenser

3. plass Dokumentar utland
3. plass Dokumentar utland
Stein J. Bjørge, Aftenposten
Gutta fra Øvre del av Shankill er i gang med å bygge "Bonefire" et tradisjonsrikt bål som tennes for av protestantene for å feire seieren over katolikkene i 1690. 12.juli hvert år tennes bålet som markering og guttene legger sin flid i å bygge det høyeste. Kyle Wallace, Mark Hammilton, Lesley Cork,Allister Cousens , Connor Jacksoen, Darren Maginnes og Jonny Campbel er dugnadsgjengen som ser frem til å sette fyr på bålet.

3. plass Dokumentar utland
3. plass Dokumentar utland
Stein J. Bjørge, Aftenposten
Kule Skillen og vennene hans Owen Burns,Kurtis Brooks,Jordan Beattie,Jordan Brown og Kennedy Moffett er den nye generasjonen som skal takle skillene mellom protestantisk og katolsk side i det nye Belfast som gjør tapre forsøk på forsonende tiltak i denne delte byen.

3. plass Dokumentar utland
3. plass Dokumentar utland
Stein J. Bjørge, Aftenposten
Det unge paret Courtny og William gjør seg klare for et bryllup sammen med barna sine. Det er sjelden det blir ekteskap mellom sidene i Belfastkonflikten , men det finnes unntak forteller det to. Denne gangen er det to protestanter som skal gifte seg.