National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest 2013

National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest skal kåre årets beste reisebilder.

Magasinet National Geographic Traveler er igjen på jakt etter årets beste reisebilder i fotokonkurransen som bærer deres eget navn. Fotografer inviteres til å sende inn bilder i fire kategorier med temaene reiseportrett, utendørsscener, stedsfølelse og spontane øyeblikk.

Det skal kåres en første, en andre og en tredjeplass, i tillegg blir syv bilder tildelt hederlig omtale. Premiene består blant annet av en 10-dagers ekspedisjon til Galapagos-øyene, en 7-dagers fotoworkshop og et 6-dagers cruise.

Konkurransen fyller i år 25 år, noe som ifølge arrangørene trolig gjør dette til verdens eldste reisefotokonkurranse. Til fjorårets konkurranse ble 12000 bilder fra 6515 fotografer i 152 land sendt inn.

Blant vinnerne i 2012-utgaven var amerikanske Michelle Schantz, som ble tildelt lesernes pris for et nordlysbilde fra Finnmark.

Under kan du se et utvalg av National Geographic-redaktørenes favorittbilder blant de som har blitt sendt inn til konkurransen så langt i år.

Frist for å delta i konkurransen er 30. juni. Les mer om konkurransen og hvordan du deltar her:

Se flere av bildene som har blitt sendt inn til konkurransen så langt:

Another perspective of the day
Another perspective of the day
Dody Kusuma/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
The fisherman at Bira Beach

Children of Reindeer
Children of Reindeer
Michelle Schantz/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Mikael Ánde, a child of Sámi reindeer herders, takes a break indoors after a long, cold day of rounding up the animals for vaccinations and slaughter. Children of reindeer herders learn to handle these animals and the land they thrive in from infancy - young Mikael here knew far more about the ways of nature than I could ever hope to learn.

Joshua Holko/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Goðafoss is one of the most spectacular waterfalls in Iceland. Located in the central north of the island translucent aqua water cascades over the horseshoe shaped falls and races down the canyon. Icicles cling to its rock ledges and fresh snow lies across the landscape under soft diffuse light of the type that only Iceland can deliver.

Kazakh Eagle Hunters
Kazakh Eagle Hunters
Tariq Sawyer/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Eagle Hunting is a Kazakh tradition that dates back 2000 years. Around 350 Kazakh Eagle Hunters are keeping the tradition alive in the Altai Mountains, Mongolia.

Left or right?
Left or right?
Thomas Pieters/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
I was taking some shots on the beach of Taghazout, Morocco, when this little guy came up to me asking in what hand he was holding a coin. After playing along I asked if I could take his picture.

Light footed penguin
Light footed penguin
Nancy Dowling/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Penguin in action

Portrait of an Eastern Screech Owl
Portrait of an Eastern Screech Owl
Graham McGeorge/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
Masters of disguise. The Eastern Screech Owl is seen here doing what they do best. You better have a sharp eye to spot these little birds of prey.

The Galactic Squid
The Galactic Squid
Cameron Knudsen/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
While on a night dive in the waters off Okinawa Japan this reef squid showed up. The time and Air i spent trying to get close to him paid off.

The power of the Criollo
The power of the Criollo
Chris Schmid/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
The power of the Criollo horses at the Cabanha Ipu„ located in Paran‡, Brazil. The Criollo is the native horse of Uruguay (1910), Argentina (1918), Brazil (1932) and Paraguay. It may have the best endurance of any horse breed in the world next to the Arabian.

Yellow Lady
Yellow Lady
Charlotte Anderson/National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest
The hostile desert landscape in the Little Rann of Kutch in western Gujarat state is where these day labourers work. The stark, white salt is a challenging environment to work in, dry and bright but there is a peace and beauty to this place too which is overwhelming. It was the second time I visited these parts and each time I leave with a sense of joy and sorrow, the people are lowly paid but full of welcome and smiles to me even though life is tough for them as this is their environment.
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Bjørn M.
Hva er definisjonen av et reisebilde? Det jeg oppfatter som eksotisk er en annens nærmiljø.
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