Nikon Small World 2013

Konkurransen Nikon Small World 2013 har kåret årets beste mikroskopfotografier.

Et mikroskopbilde av marine kiselalger ble tildelt førsteplassen i den årlige konkurransen Nikon Small World 2013. Bildet ble tatt av den nederlandske frilansfotografen Wim van Egmond, som har vært aktiv innen mikroskopfotografering i 20 år og fått flere plasseringer i konkurransen tidligere. Vinnerbildet ble satt sammen av flere enn 90 bilder.

- Jeg tilnærmer meg mikroskopfotografier som om de var portretter. På den samme måten som du ser på en person og prøver å fange deres personlighet, observerer jeg en organisme og prøver å fange den så ærlig og realistisk som mulig. Samtidig handler dette bildet om form, rytme og komposisjon, forteller van Egmond i en pressemelding.

100 mikroskopfotografer fra hele verden ble tildelt priser og heder i konkurransen, blant annet norske Geir Drange, som fikk en 16. plass og en hederlig omtale. Drange ble hedret også i fjorårets utgave av konkurransen, da han fikk en niendeplass.

Dette er 39. gang konkurransen arrangeres.

Se alle de 20 vinnerbildene under.

Les mer om konkurransen på

Chaetoceros debilis (marine diatom)
Chaetoceros debilis (marine diatom)
Wim van Egmond, Micropolitan Museum, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
1. plass

Chrysemys picta (painted turtle) retina
Chrysemys picta (painted turtle) retina
Dr. Joseph Corbo, Washington University School of Medicine, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
2. plass

Marine worm
Marine worm
Dr. Alvaro Esteves Migotto, Universidade de São Paulo, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
3. plass

Rogelio Moreno Gill, Panama City, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
4. plass

Hippocampal neuron receiving excitatory contacts
Hippocampal neuron receiving excitatory contacts
Dr. Kieran Boyle, University of Glasgow, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
5. plass

Chamaeleo calyptratus (veiled chameleon), embryo showing cartilage (blue) and bone (red)
Chamaeleo calyptratus (veiled chameleon), embryo showing cartilage (blue) and bone (red)
Dorit Hockman, University of Cambridge, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
6. plass

Adhesive pad on a foreleg of Coccinella septempunctata (ladybird beetle)
Adhesive pad on a foreleg of Coccinella septempunctata (ladybird beetle)
Dr. Jan Michels, Institute of Zoology, Functional Morphology and Biomechanics, Courtesy of Nikon Small World

Barbilophozia sp. (a leafy liverwort, bryophyte plant) and cyanobacteria
Barbilophozia sp. (a leafy liverwort, bryophyte plant) and cyanobacteria
Magdalena Turzańska, University of Wrocław, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
8. plass

Insect wrapped in spider web
Insect wrapped in spider web
Mark A. Sanders, University of Minnesota, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
9. plass

Thin section of a dinosaur bone preserved in clear agate
Thin section of a dinosaur bone preserved in clear agate
Ted Kinsman, Rochester Institute of Technology, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
10. plass

Macrobrachium shrimp (ghost shrimp) eye
Macrobrachium shrimp (ghost shrimp) eye
Vitoria Tobias Santos, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
11. plass

Silicon dioxide on polydimethylglutarimide-based resist
Silicon dioxide on polydimethylglutarimide-based resist
Dr. Pedro Barrios-Perez, National Research Council of Canada/Information and Communication Technologies, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
12. plass

Mouse vertebra section
Mouse vertebra section
Dr. Michael Paul Nelson and Samantha Smith, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
13. plass

Peripheral nerves in E11.5 mouse embryo
Peripheral nerves in E11.5 mouse embryo
Zhong Hua, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
14. plass

Podospora anserina (fungus) filamentous tip cells
Podospora anserina (fungus) filamentous tip cells
Dr. Christian Q. Scheckhuber, Goethe University, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
15. plass

Pityohyphantes phrygianus (sheet weaver spider) with a parasitic wasp larva on the abdomen
Pityohyphantes phrygianus (sheet weaver spider) with a parasitic wasp larva on the abdomen
Geir Drange, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
16. plass

Pyramidal neurons and their dendrites visualized in the visual cortex of a mouse brain
Pyramidal neurons and their dendrites visualized in the visual cortex of a mouse brain
Dr. Alexandre William Moreau, University College London, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
17. plass

Annelid larva
Annelid larva
Christian Sardet, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
18. plass

Nerve and muscle thin section
Nerve and muscle thin section
Dr. David Ward, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
19. plass

The explosive dynamics of sugar transport in fat cells
The explosive dynamics of sugar transport in fat cells
Dr. James Burchfield, The Garvan Institute, Courtesy of Nikon Small World
20. plass
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Harald K A.
Mitt bidrag endte opp med "image of Distinction" :D
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