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Bruce Barnbaum Norway Workshop – Láhko National Park

Bruce Barnbaum has been invited by Norwegian photographer Bjørn Joachimsen to present this workshop for photographers who want to experience a very unique and wonderful landscape. Bruce welcomes those who work with traditional film (as he does) and those who work digitally (as he does). The only requirement is that you must love photography, and you must enjoy doing it. (Láhko National Park, Norway. August 30 – September 3, 2017).
The Arctic Circle divides Norway in half at it’s narrowest point, with the Atlantic Ocean to the west and Sweden to the east. Láhko National Park is located right there, with its spectacular marble and limestone formations (karst formations), surrounded by mountain peaks and glaciers. It is here that we will have a five-day workshop with daily outings to this unusual and spectacular landscape in the center of a country that is beautiful wherever you look.

Bruce has taught numerous workshops in Norway, but this will be his first in the Láhko region. So he will be experiencing the landscape for the first time as most—maybe all—of the students will be. His sense of adventure and exploration, excitement and enthusiasm will rub off on you, but you won’t need his inspiration to ignite yours; the area is sure to engage you from the moment you step into it.

Read more:
[EXTLINK=https://bjorn-joachimsen.com/2016/12/07/bruce-barnbaum-norway-workshop-lahko-national-park/;Láhko National Park Workshop
©Bruce Barnbaum - Basin Mountain, Approaching Storm.
Basin Mountain, Approaching Storm.
©Bruce Barnbaum
© - Corbel Canyon, Láhko National Park
Corbel Canyon, Láhko National Park
© - Láhko National Park
Láhko National Park

Varsle Foto.no
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