AFPointsSelected (all)
DynamicRangeOptimizer (2)Off
PictureProfile (1) Gamma Still - Vivid
MeteringMode (1) Multi-segment
ResolutionUnit inches
BatteryTemperature 24.4 C
WhiteBalance Auto
ReleaseMode2 (2) Normal
SequenceLength 1 shot
IntelligentAuto Off
LensMount (1) A-mount
LensInfo 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
FacesDetected 0
SonyMaxAperture 5.5
AFStatusLower-right Back Focus (+59)
InternalSerialNumber 080a924567
AFStatusNearRight Front Focus (-56)
MetaVersion DC7303320222000
PictureEffect2 Off
Sharpness Normal
SonyISO 100
SonyImageHeight 3376
DistortionCorrParamsPresent (1)Yes
FocalLength 55.0 mm
SonyDateTime 2012:08:01 20:36:29
ExposureProgram (3) Sunset
ColorCompensationFilter 0
CreateDate 2012:08:01 20:36:29
SequenceFileNumber (1) 1
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ColorSpace sRGB
ThumbnailImage (Binary data)
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DynamicRangeOptimizer (3)Off
AFStatusCenterVertical Front Focus (-4)
LensFormat APS-C
LensSpec DT 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 SAM
ReleaseMode Normal
LensType (1) Sony DT 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 SAM (SAL1855) or SAM II
VignettingCorrParams 0 12 48 104 180 276 392 532 688 860 1048 0 0 0 0 0
Saturation Normal
Contrast (1) 0
YCbCrPositioning (1) Co-sited
ExposureCompensation (1)0
CameraOrientation Horizontal (normal)
ISO 100
SonyMinAperture 34
ExposureMode (1) Program AE
Quality2 JPEG
Saturation (1) 0
SonyModelID SLT-A65 / SLT-A65V
DynamicRangeOptimizer (1)Off
HighISONoiseReduction Normal
Software (1) SLT-A65V v1.03
GPSAltitude (1) 8.426 m
AFType 15-point
SonyExposureTime 1/166
YCbCrPositioning Co-sited
AFStatusLower-middle Back Focus (+31)
Rating 0
AFStatusLower-left Back Focus (+20)
AFMicroAdj 0
GPSLatitude (1) 68 deg 28' 58.04"
PreviewImageSize 1920x1080
ReleaseMode2 (1) Normal
SceneMode Sunset
GPSDifferential No Correction
AFPoint Center (vertical)
ExposureTime 1/160
AFStatusFarLeft Front Focus (-65)
FlashpixVersion 0100
SensitivityType Recommended Exposure Index
AFStatusBottomHorizontalOut of Focus
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ExifVersion 0230
FlashExposureComp 0
GPSMeasureMode 3-Dimensional Measurement
SonyFNumber 16.9
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ExposureProgram Sunset
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ResolutionUnit (2) inches
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HDR Off; Uncorrected image
FlashLevel Normal
LensType (2) Sony DT 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 SAM (SAL1855) or SAM II
AFStatusLeft Front Focus (-49)
FocusMode AF-A
SelfTimer Off
SonyImageWidth 6000
PictureProfile Gamma Still - Vivid
ShutterCount3 3965
Model (1) SLT-A65V
SoftSkinEffect Off
WBShiftAB_GM 0 0
GPSAltitudeRef Below Sea Level
AFStatusBottomVertical Back Focus (+99)
InteropVersion 0100
AFStatusFarRight Front Focus (-37)
SequenceNumber Single
ExifImageWidth 6000
LensMount A-mount
ShotNumberSincePowerUp 4
SonyDateTime (1) 2012:08:01 20:36:29
GPSLatitudeRef North
SequenceImageNumber (1) 1
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ZoneMatching ISO Setting Used
Sharpness (1) 0
BatteryLevel 69%
Quality Fine
FullImageSize 6000x4000
GPSSpeed 0.712
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Make (1) SONY
MeteringMode Multi-segment
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AFStatusTopVertical Front Focus (-55)
DynamicRangeOptimizer Off
WhiteBalance (1) Auto
FNumber 16.0
Compression JPEG (old-style)
ExposureMode Auto
AFStatusActiveSensor Front Focus (-4)
LensSpecFeatures DT SAM
GPSTrack 57.71
AFStatusTopHorizontal Out of Focus
AFStatusUpper-right Front Focus (-67)
FlashMode Fill-flash
SonyImageHeight (1) 3376
LightSource Unknown
GPSLongitude (1) 14 deg 45' 31.38"
Quality2 (1) JPEG
LensModel DT 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 SAM
ThumbnailLength 7458
IntelligentAuto (1) Off
FileFormat ARW 2.3
CompressedBitsPerPixel 2
YResolution (2) 350
SceneCaptureType Standard
YResolution 350
LensType Sony DT 18-55mm F3.5-5.6 SAM (SAL1855) or SAM II
CustomRendered Normal
ThumbnailOffset 40682
Contrast Normal
GPSStatus Measurement Active
ComponentsConfiguration Y, Cb, Cr, -
FaceInfoLength 37
DateTimeOriginal 2012:08:01 20:36:29
AFStatusNearLeft Front Focus (-11)
GPSSpeedRef km/h
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 82 mm
PreviewImage (Binary data)
Software SLT-A65V v1.03
LongExposureNoiseReductionOn (unused)
GPSTimeStamp 18:36:29
ColorMode Standard
FaceInfoOffset 94
BrightnessValue 9.8140625
Teleconverter None
CreativeStyle Standard
Shutter Mechanical (3483 5764 6455)
ExposureProgram (1) Program AE
GPSDateStamp 2012:08:01
WhiteBalance (2) Auto
ReleaseMode2 Normal
Brightness 0
AFPointInFocus Center (vertical)
Model SLT-A65V
FileSource Digital Camera
AFStatusRight Front Focus (-52)
SequenceImageNumber 1
MaxApertureValue 5.6
AFStatusUpper-middle Front Focus (-18)
ShutterCount 3966
ExifImageHeight 3376
AFPointAtShutterRelease Center (vertical)
ModifyDate 2012:08:01 20:36:29
WhiteBalanceFineTune 0
HDRSetting Off
DistortionCorrection None
ModelReleaseYear 2011
Orientation (1) Horizontal (normal)
ModifyDate (1) 2012:08:01 20:36:29
ImageDescription (1)
AFStatusUpper-left Front Focus (-73)
Flash On, Red-eye reduction, Return not detected
AFPointsUsed Center, Upper-right, Right, Lower-right, Lower-left, Left, Far Right, Upper-middle, Lower-middle, Near Left
GPSTrackRef True North
DistortionCorrParams 0 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -7 -8 0 0 0 0 0
ExposureProgram (2) Sunset
GPSDOP 1.086
AFStatusCenterHorizontalFront Focus (-63)
FlashStatus Built-in Flash Fired
ChromaticAberrationCorrParams-61 -6 37 68 88 92 93 110 127 139 140 0 0 0 0 0 387 439 481 509 527 529 525 525 523 518 509 0 0 0 0 0
SceneType Directly photographed